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Here are Some Common Questions




  • How is Holistic Medicine different from other forms of Western Medicine?

          - The easiest answer would be to list the six philosophies that distinguish holistic medicine from other forms of medical practice:


1. The healing power of nature; that is the body's natural ability to establish, maintain and restore health.  It is the physician's duty to assist in this healing process, maybe by the use of herbal medicine or supplements or homeopathics.


2. Identify and treat the cause


3. First, do no harm.  Symptoms are the expression of the body's effects at healing; the suppression of symptoms without removing the underlying cause is considered harmful.  


4. Treat the entire person.  Physical, emotional, spiritual, mental, genetic, environmental and social factors all contribute to a person's state of wellness.


5. The physician as a teacher.  The role of a physician is to educate the patient by showing him or her the relationship between actions and illness and thereby making the patient responsible for his or her own healing.  


6. Prevention.  The ultimate goal of the holistic physician is to prevent disease through education and promotion of healthy life style.


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